Congratulations to JL on getting his citizenship after a two year journey!

JL was born in the Dominican Republic. This was no ordinary case but rather a long journey for JL to get his citizenship. When JL first came to see me, he had already applied for citizenship and had to reply to a very serious “Intent to Deny” Notice from USCIS. There were several good moral character issues that came up during the interview, including a law enforcement encounter in another state that needed to be resolved.

This encounter made no sense to JL. We worked very hard to get records from the police department to address this encounter but the records didn’t come in time to respond to the USCIS notice, and the case was denied. We then decided to wait to get the records instead of appealing the decision. We also had JL hire a criminal law attorney to investigate the matter, which showed there were no issues, and afterwards filed for citizenship again with the new evidence.

We went to the interview and put together substantial documentation to address the other good moral character incidents at issue and also the law enforcement encounter in another state. After the interview, we again received another “Intent to Deny” Notice from USCIS regarding the same law enforcement incident. Again, we had a criminal attorney look into the issue, and discovered a very complicated situation, in which JL’s name kept coming up in the records. However, JL had no knowledge of the situation and we argued our position again in our response to USCIS, requesting them to revisit the evidence we submitted.

We prepared ourselves for a possible denial due to the complicated situation, and having to apply again but about a month later, I received an email notification from USCIS that JL was scheduled for his oath ceremony! I immediately called JL and could not help but tear up in joy for him because I knew how much this meant to him. He was about to get on the bus and told me he almost forgot to breathe and fell. It was a long two year journey and finally, JL has become a U.S. Citizen!!! His patience paid off!! JL was a pleasure to work with. He is a hard worker, great father, a devoted son, and very proud to become a U.S. Citizen.

Congratulations JL and thank you for being a part of the Khalique Law family. Contact us to learn more about how to apply for citizenship.


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